Sil Aa Ae Ah Ao Aw Ax Ay B Ch D Dd Dh Dx Eh En Er Ey F G Hh Ih Ix Favoring Delta Coefficients Favoring Spectral Coefficients 4. Future Work
Many speech recogni ti on systems [Lee88] , [ Shi 85] , [Hua92] , use mul ti pl e i nformationstreams to compute HMMoutput probabi l i ti es (e. g. systems based on semi conti nuous or di screte HMM' s use one codebook for cepstral coe ci ents, andanother one for del ta cepstral coe ci ents). The nal score a wei ghted sumof the contri buti ons of every am. These wei ghts can be found empi ri cal l y l l y the same set of wei ghts i s used for evi c model . There i s reason to bel i eve that eatures whi ch are more important for model s than for others. Especi al l y, the begi nni ng and ending sege more context dependent that case the probah recogni zer shoul d a-spectrumthan 85] , [Boc93] , coe ci ents ndmore . 1. TRAINING whi ch uses n i nformati on t , and for a gi venHMMtreami wi l l compute Pi(xtj S), where xt . The overal l probi s then P (xtj S) = s awei ghti ng factor for al l ed codebook expo1 and P i =1, obabi l i ty. We HMMstate
منابع مشابه
An economic production quantity model with random yield subject to process compressibility
E. Noorollahi et al. / Mathematical and Computer Modelling 56 (2012) 80–96 81 Ta bl e 1 A co m pa ra tiv e an al ys is of th e lit er at ur e. Au th or s N o. pr od uc ts Ty pe of de fe ct iv es Ty pe of re w or ki ng Ty pe of in sp ec tio n Ty pe of ba ck lo g Si ng le M ul tip le N o de fe ct iv e Re w or ka bl e Sc ra pe s N ot al lo w ed Im pe rf ec tP er fe ct N ot us ed Sa m pl in g 10 0%...
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